速報APP / 教育 / E-space Teacher

E-space Teacher





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:E-Space Việt Nam The Prince Residence - P.4.11, Tầng 4- 19 Nguyễn Văn Trỗi, Q.Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh

E-space Teacher(圖1)-速報App

E-SPACE VN's Center for online English language training is a part of Pax creation Ltd. with 100% investment from Japan. This is one of the Training Centers for ‘Online English’ in Vietnam that first applied the teaching and learning model of “1 Teacher - 1 Student” Facility. Established in 10/2012, E-SPACE VN has successfully trained more than 10,000 students across the country and abroad who have studied to improve their English proficiency in a short time. The courses at E-SPACE VN focus on developing and improving communication skills for the jobs for employees and help train the students’ English skills in every sphere. E-SPACE has trained students wishing to attend competitive exams and certification tests such as IELTS, TOIEC, TOEFL successfully. We also offer English training courses for enterprises in Vietnam. Many of our customers are big and reputed corporations and enterprises who have trusted E-SPACE VN for years. The main training partners are “Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation, FPT, Harvey Nash Vietnam, PepsiCo, etc..”

E-space Teacher(圖2)-速報App

E-space Teacher(圖3)-速報App

E-space Teacher(圖4)-速報App

E-space Teacher(圖5)-速報App